Compare Sensor Sizes
Compare Sensor Sizes is a free, open source tool to easily compare multiple digital camera sensor sizes, celluloid film formats and lens image circles – graphically as well as in tabular form. Usually all data for sensors and lenses comes directly from the respective manufacturers. The database will be continuously extended this way.
In addition to the comparison function and the usability as a trustworthy, sortable database, one of the most useful features is the possibility to check which lenses cover which sensors and to what extent. If a lens does not yet appear in the list, you have the option of specifying an individual image circle in millimeters, which is then displayed.
The tool should also bring clarity to diffuse terms like Large Format, Full Format, Vista Vision and Full Frame, which do not denote standardized sizes and are used differently depending on the manufacturer.
Compare Sensor Sizes is optimized for desktop and also usable on mobile. An app might follow if there is demand.
Image Circle vs Illumination Circle
The Image Circle of a given lens is defined as the area within which the manufacturer guarantees a defined optical quality performance.
The Illumination Circle or Circle of Illumination of a given lens is defined as the area within which there is still light, but of undefined quality. Vignetting, chromatic abberations, loss of sharpness, etc. may appear.
Image Circle and Illumination Circle are often used interchangeably, which can lead to confusion.